I've been speaking and training on networking for years, and in all that time, I've only met a handful of people who feel they really have their hands around their networking. Most people sullenly acknowledge that having better professional relationships would help, but stress that they just don't have the time or attention. Too often we wait until we need something from our network before we reach out. That never works since it comes off as self-serving and desperate (because it is). But you don't have to wait. Even if you don't need anything, in fact especially if you don't need anything, you should be investing in the important … [Read more...]
Simple Solutions to Big Networking Fears: 10 Surefire Ways to Remember Anyone’s Name
It's an experience we've all had. We're at a party, a conference, or a reunion. Up walks someone that we know we know...but we can't for the life of us remember their name. It's right there, at the edge of our memory, but it won't come to us. We mumble an apology, ask for their name, and carry on with the conversation. But we feel bad because of it. Even though it really doesn't have a massive negative effect on our relationships, most of us are really afraid of forgetting other people's names in social situations. We dread that moment of staring at someone and drawing a blank. Maybe it's because we don't like it when others … [Read more...]
4 Simple Questions That Will Help You Plant a Flag in Your Niche
It’s hard to stand out in our noisy world. People are exposed to hundreds, if not thousands, of messages a day and yours will easily get lost in the shuffle. It’s important to create a strong personal brand that your networking partners can associate with you. I call it “planting a flag”. If you can’t be clear about what you do and why you are good at what you do, there’s no way that your network will be able to connect you with opportunities and resources. Your message will degrade every time it’s passed along (like the children’s game Telephone), so the more clarity you create from the start, the stronger and more lasting your message … [Read more...]
Is This Painful Childhood Memory Killing Your Sales Network?
Are you nervous to reach out to prospective sales prospects and partners? Does the idea of making sales calls conjure uneasiness or even a touch of dread? Do you stand in the corner at networking events or industry conferences, just waiting long enough so you won't feel too guilty when you duck out early? Or do you find excuses to skip them altogether, even though you know you want more people to engage with? You're not alone. Many salespeople, in fact, many people, avoid taking the first steps to start new relationships. It stems from an emotional lesson that we learn when we're young and that continues to influence our behavior … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Being an Obnoxious Jerk on LinkedIn
Updated December 2018 LinkedIn has a problem. Or rather, it has a branding issue. You see, before online social networking came around, there was just regular old networking. You had to go out and meet people and have conversations with them. A lot of people hated networking. One of the main reasons: the obnoxious attendees that seemed to populate every networking breakfast and conference cocktail reception. In fact, one of the first Chamber of Commerce meetings I ever went to came complete with "Bill", a life insurance salesman who seemed to embody every negative stereotype possible, from the overly aggressive business card … [Read more...]
Distributed Mentoring: How to Get Help and Advice from Your Network
Do you want a mentor? Besides networking, one of the most common pieces of advice doled out to young professionals is to find a mentor. Working with an experienced and seasoned business veteran can go a long way to helping you navigate the trials and opportunities of your early professional life. They can give you feedback, share their observations, and alert you to possible missteps in your professional life. One of the biggest challenges to finding a mentor, though, is in the finding part. It can be difficult to uncover someone who has experience and knowledge to share, the time and willingness to share it, and a personality that … [Read more...]
How My Network Helped me Launch my Podcast
Networking. For many, it's a nebulous concept that seems "out there". Sure, it sounds like a good idea. Creating connections and relationships and somehow getting those people to help you with your career, that's all good. But what does networking really look like? And how does it manifest in real results? If someone isn't a hiring manager or a potential client, how can they help you with your career? I recently launched a new podcast called Beer, Beats, & Business. As a solopreneur, I don't have an internal team that I can call on when I want to work on a new project. I have to do it myself... Or I have to find … [Read more...]
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