Networking. For many, it's a nebulous concept that seems "out there". Sure, it sounds like a good idea. Creating connections and relationships and somehow getting those people to help you with your career, that's all good. But what does networking really look like? And how does it manifest in real results? If someone isn't a hiring manager or a potential client, how can they help you with your career? I recently launched a new podcast called Beer, Beats, & Business. As a solopreneur, I don't have an internal team that I can call on when I want to work on a new project. I have to do it myself... Or I have to find … [Read more...]
How to Find Unexpected Business Solutions Through Couples Counseling
You might not think of your business partner as your life partner. But in many ways they are as close, if not closer, than a romantic partner. Money, time, visions of the future...these are just a few of the topics that you'll have to navigate when you go into business with someone. Starting and running a new business is often an overwhelming endeavor. There are so many tasks to get to and goals to achieve, it can be too much for one person. That's why so many people dive into entrepreneurship with a partner to two. You can share the load, and everyone will bring different strengths and skills to party. But Are Partnerships Always … [Read more...]
You Need Networking to Find a Career Minesweeper
Do you have someone pointing out the potholes (or worse, mines) that are waiting as you travel down your career path? One of my younger brothers served in the US Marine Corps and performed a number of tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was a truck driver who ferried supplies and troop where they were needed. Because he underwent additional training in security, he drove the lead truck that had extra armor and a big mine-sweeper. His job was to uncover any hidden dangers and obstacles, and then respond to them. There's a picture that he took in Iraq of him standing outside one of his trucks. He played a critical role in ensuring that … [Read more...]
Getting Pumped for a Networking Event
I'm getting ready to go to a networking event, and I'm trying to get excited. Actually, I'm not even getting ready. I'm ready. I'm sitting at a coffeehouse 3 blocks from the event because I got to downtown Chicago early (to beat the traffic) and all I have to do is walk over there. But I'm tired. It's a Thursday. It's been a long week already. I've had a busy day full of ups and downs. Maybe you know the feeling? I don't necessarily want to go meet new people. It would be soooo easy to sit here, grab dinner, and then just go home. My lethargy has nothing to do with the event or the people there. It's going to be great - a … [Read more...]
Internal Relationships Create a Well-Oiled Machine
It's common to talk about business with metaphors, and one of the most common compares a high-functioning business to a "well-oiled machine." It highlights the idea of different parts and pieces fitting together to create a moving whole that does something - more often than not, moving forward. Unfortunately, in their quest to build that well-oiled machine, most leaders ignore the most important piece of the puzzle. Let's get very specific about our well-oiled machine. Let's say it's a sports car, maybe a Ferrari. It has a top-of-the-line engine, race-quality tires, and steering and controls that respond to the lightest touch. Taken … [Read more...]
Are you the Right Kind of Networker?
What kind of networker are you? In my experience, people fall into one of two categories. It’s an incredibly important distinction. The professionals in the first category put in an enormous amount of effort and still fail miserably at building their network. Those in the second find their careers blossoming because of their business relationships. Transactional vs. Relational Networking The Transactional Networker The first type is the transactional networker. People that follow this philosophy see networking as a series of brief encounters. And the goal of each encounter is to get something from it. These are the people at … [Read more...]
The Right Way to Make a Networking Introduction
Remember "connecting the dots" when you were a kid? Starting with a page full of random points, you ran a line from dot to dot (following the numbers, of course) and got a picture of a flower, animal, or your favorite cartoon character. The "hidden" picture had revealed itself and you had a piece of art to hang on the refrigerator. Good networkers approach professional relationship-building in the same way. They find ways to make connections to create something that wasn't there before. One of the most fulfilling parts of networking is making connections between two people who could benefit from knowing each other. When you look … [Read more...]