This article isn't going to solve all of your time-management agonies. It's not full of lists on how to maximize your time, minimize your email inbox, or how to set your priorities the right way. There are other blogs, books, and online courses that will make you a time-management wizard. I am going to ask you a question that will put you on the right path. It's the first step to making the most of the time you have. Most people think that the reason they don't get everything done is because they haven't stumbled upon that right tip, tool, or lifehack. (Oh, I can separate an egg yolk with an empty plastic bottle, now my life is going … [Read more...]
One of the Best Time Management Tools I’ve Found
I recently visited the Zen Garden at the Chicago Botanic Gardens, and found it a profoundly calming experience. Like many of us, I find myself bouncing around from activity to activity during the day. My mind is usually even more frantic as it works on what I need to do in the future and what I've done in the past. And, oh yeah, tries to pay attention to what I'm doing right now. For a few moments I was surrounded by the quiet in the Zen Garden. I could almost feel the cogs in my mind slowing down. My breathing became deeper and more relaxed. I was peaceful and felt a sense of clarity that is often elusive. When You Are Busy... … [Read more...]