"If you want to be a successful Sales Sherpa™, you have to be comfortable using sales scripts." That statement might sound counter-intuitive considering the modern sales environment is increasingly complex, information-saturated, and every-changing. But that complexity in fact drives the value of sales scripts. You shouldn't be "winging it" constantly. Scripting parts of your sales process allows you to engage more meaningfully with your prospects and customers. Instead of spending your time trying to figure out what to say, you'll spend it focusing on the person you're talking to. Why Sales Professionals Resist Scripts When … [Read more...]
Why Mindfulness in Sales Will Make You Happier and More Effective
When people think of "mindfulness" their minds are often filled with images of monks calmly meditating in a lotus position next to a flowing stream. They rarely connect mindfulness with salespeople prospecting on the phone or delivering a sales presentation. But I'm going to suggest that salespeople can get a lot out of mindfulness tools. It can help them improve both their personal satisfaction and professional success. It can help them focus. And yes, it can help them sell more. Let's look at why mindfulness can be a powerful path for salespeople and how they can start walking it. The Mindfulness Trend in Business Mindfulness … [Read more...]
How Watching Netflix Will Make You a Better Salesperson
It's a Friday night. It's been a long week, but you're finally at home and ready to unwind. You sit in front of the TV, open up Netflix (or Amazon Prime, Hulu, or your favorite streaming option), and BAM...all of a sudden you are faced with a massive number of choices. Lists and lists of movies, TV shows, documentaries, shorts...they keep coming. There are so many options that you might spend all of your time going through them and trying to pick one. I call it the Netflix Hole, where you spend your down-time looking through all the entertainment options instead of being entertained by one of them. If you've spent any time there, … [Read more...]
Want Sales Success in 2022: Here Are the 7 Surefire Skills of the Sales Sherpa
The sales profession has a problem. Prospects and clients are stuck thinking of salespeople as single-minded hustlers, whose only job is to harass them by calling or emailing over and over until they can weasel into a sales call and then use their killer "close" to get the business. That's not the problem. The real problem: sales professionals still view themselves as single-minded hustlers, whose only job is to harass prospects by calling or emailing over and over until they can weasel their way into a sales call and then use their killer "close" to get the business. That's not going to work anymore. The world has … [Read more...]
5 Basic Principles Entrepreneurs Should Follow to be a Sales Sherpa™
When looking at how to sell their services, most entrepreneurs and business owners think that they either have to pound relentlessly or wait patiently. Either they send out tons of emails, spend lots of marketing dollars, and attend every networking event in their area in an attempt to find business, or they "work by word of mouth" and take a passive approach, hoping that an existing client will email with a hot lead for them. And in both cases, they find themselves struggling. Guiding Prospects These days the sales process has changed. Access to online content has put most of the buying process firmly in the hands of prospects and … [Read more...]
Hyper-Connected Selling: How to Avoid Sales Obsolescence and Unemployment
updated June 2021 If you are in sales these days, there seems to be more questions than ever: When will we go back to in-person selling? Does cold calling still work? How does personal brand connect with my job as a seller? Where can sales professionals focus their attention to be successful? Can the selling profession remain the same in a post-pandemic world or is sales dying? And on and on. Every day it seems like even more questions are coming, but very few answers are popping up. Luckily, you don't need answers to surf the waves of change successfully. But you do need to wrap your head around the massive shift … [Read more...]