If you are under 25, what can you do to super-charge your network? Everybody offers networking as a critical component of success early in your career, but what does it actually mean? Plant Seeds In your Network Now One of the biggest advantages you have as a professional at the beginning of your career is time. The contacts you meet know are going to be in your network for your entire career in one way or another. I see so many young professionals squander their opportunities to make new connections. You should be actively investing your time in activities that bring new people into your sphere of influence. Invest 15% of your time … [Read more...]
Distributed Mentoring: How to Get Help and Advice from Your Network
Do you want a mentor? Besides networking, one of the most common pieces of advice doled out to young professionals is to find a mentor. Working with an experienced and seasoned business veteran can go a long way to helping you navigate the trials and opportunities of your early professional life. They can give you feedback, share their observations, and alert you to possible missteps in your professional life. One of the biggest challenges to finding a mentor, though, is in the finding part. It can be difficult to uncover someone who has experience and knowledge to share, the time and willingness to share it, and a personality that … [Read more...]
The Technology Yin and Yang of Millennial Networking
"Are different demographic groups better (or worse) than others at networking?" That was a question that was lobbed at me after a recent keynote on networking. OK, the actual question was, "Don't Millennials and other young professionals have an advantage in networking these days because they are so used to technology?" The person who asked it really wanted to validate her fears and concerns that because she wasn't young, and wasn't comfortable with technology, that her struggles with networking weren't her fault and she should just give up. It was a valid question, but there isn't a simple answer. I didn't let her off the hook, … [Read more...]