Networking in the 21st Century...on LinkedIn: Why Your Network Sucks and What to Do About It is out now! You can get it here. If any of my work has helped you in the past, here’s an easy way to return the favor. Every single mention or download of the book on the launch day helps this new book find its way in the world. How to help TODAY: Get the book for free on launch day :) on Kindle Post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn with the link: Email your friends and family who might find it valuable Post an review when you finish reading (and Facebook / Tweet about it) Multiple mentions throughout the day … [Read more...]
Internal Relationships Create a Well-Oiled Machine
It's common to talk about business with metaphors, and one of the most common compares a high-functioning business to a "well-oiled machine." It highlights the idea of different parts and pieces fitting together to create a moving whole that does something - more often than not, moving forward. Unfortunately, in their quest to build that well-oiled machine, most leaders ignore the most important piece of the puzzle. Let's get very specific about our well-oiled machine. Let's say it's a sports car, maybe a Ferrari. It has a top-of-the-line engine, race-quality tires, and steering and controls that respond to the lightest touch. Taken … [Read more...]
How Financial Professionals Can Take Their LinkedIn Profile to the Next Level
Update December 2018 Financial professionals have always considered themselves to be in the relationship business. The image of the small town insurance agent who knows everyone (and everyone's business) is deeply ingrained into our minds. Often they were the only source of information for their clients. That made them one of the pillars of the community and they were trusted advisors. But the world has changed. Whether someone lives in a rural town or a booming metropolis, they are only a few mouse clicks away from a wealth of information on products, markets, and prices. Your customers don't have to rely on you anymore. They … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Use LinkedIn in 3 Minutes Daily
I often get asked "So what am I supposed to actually do on LinkedIn?" Usually this is asked with a mix of confusion, annoyance, and desperation. Online social networking represents a fundamental evolution in how we communicate - and it can be overwhelming. So how can you start using it in a way that helps you accomplish your work goals? One of the best ways to get acclimated to LinkedIn is to use it consistently - you want to make your social media use a habit. You might be afraid that this takes a lot of time - never fear, once you do make it a habit LinkedIn requires just a few minutes a day to use effectively. Social media moves … [Read more...]
How to Use LinkedIn Status Update “Tags”
LinkedIn is most useful when you leverage it as a tool to engage with the people in your network. When you tag someone in a status update, they'll get a notice in their LinkedIn account (and an email in their inbox, depending on their account settings). So now we have a way to grab someone's attention! Instead of hoping they'll stumble across your mention, they'll know that you have brought them up in conversation. This has a number of positive effects. It puts you back on their radar, which is helpful in a world where our network is bombarded with messages and information. It's a light touch in your networking relationship; maybe … [Read more...]
5 LinkedIn Status Updates You Can Post Right Now
LinkedIn Status Updates are a critical tool in developing your online presence. The opportunity to speak directly to your network is incredibly powerful, but sadly, still underused. Your LinkedIn network is made up of professionals who have opted-in to you, but if you don't share anything, they can't stay informed. They want to know what's going on in your professional world, and they are looking to you for information that can help them. "But I don't know what to share!" I hear that all of the time when I'm coaching and training individuals on how to make the most of their networking on LinkedIn. So let's get tactical. Here are … [Read more...]