LinkedIn is most useful when you leverage it as a tool to engage with the people in your network.
When you tag someone in a status update, they’ll get a notice in their LinkedIn account (and an email in their inbox, depending on their account settings). So now we have a way to grab someone’s attention! Instead of hoping they’ll stumble across your mention, they’ll know that you have brought them up in conversation.
This has a number of positive effects. It puts you back on their radar, which is helpful in a world where our network is bombarded with messages and information. It’s a light touch in your networking relationship; maybe you haven’t talked to them in a while, or maybe you want to reinforce a recent interaction.
And we all like to be noticed. So at the very least, it will make your connection feel good!
Highlight Your Connections
There are many ways you can use this new feature. Here are a few to get you started:
1. Tag a connection you saw at a professional event.
“It was great seeing Susan Smith at the Annual Conference. I always enjoy getting new ideas from her.”
This makes your connection feel noticed and lets everyone else in your network know what professional events you are attending.
2. Share an article or blog post and reference a connection.
“Interesting article on the benefits of credit card processing for small businesses. Bill Jones, we were just talking about this!”
This brings your connection’s attention to the subject and reinforces the connection between the topic and you, i.e. it helps build your brand.
3. Congratulate someone in your network.
“I just found out that Lisa Park was selected as Small Business Person of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce. Congrats!”
This spreads positive energy, not only to your connection, but throughout your network. It’s like you shouted across a crowded room, “Hey, you’re awesome!”
Now that you have a few ideas…go tag someone!