This article was originally published on March 2nd, 2009. Unfortunately, fear hasn't disappeared in the last 5 years... We all understand fear. Even if we can’t clinically explain what fear is, we could tell someone what makes us afraid – and we could come up with that list quickly. It would be easy to explain how it affects us physically and emotionally. But what really causes fear, and why does it seem that when we are safer than ever we are more afraid than ever? Based on the title, I was expecting the Science of Fear to examine the inner workings of the mind - the neurobiology and physiology in the brain. What I got was … [Read more...]
Monday Morning Mash-Up – Calling an Audible
It might be a little early in the year to use a football metaphor, but I used this phrase a few days ago and I think it's worth sharing. Let me explain. Like most people, I have a number of goals that I'm working towards at any given time, personally and professionally. For example, I'm usually working on making better food choices to improve my health. I will often remove something completely from my diet for a month or two to give myself a definitive line of what I will and won't eat. Having set "rules" makes it easier to make decisions about what I should choose for dinner. These guides help, but I've learned that you can't be … [Read more...]