Relationship Selling – Jim Cathcart
This article was originally published on April 23rd 2008. Sales skills are still a critical component of career success, no matter your title, position, or role! It’s pretty obvious that there are a lot of sales books on the market. If there is any doubt in your mind, just look at the bookshelf full of them at your local Barnes and Noble. I tend to read less and less of them, because once you’ve read twenty, you realize they all say the same thing. I picked up Jim’s book because I was recommended to it by a client. Most of my work is focused on improving the person beyond the sales process, but it’s still important to look at the … [Read more...]
3 Questions to Ask Before Solving ANY Problem
A while back, I heard a stand-up comedian talk about the 3 questions you should always ask before you tell your significant other anything: Does this need to be said? Does this need to be said right now? Does this need to be said right now by me? The joke works because many of us don't think before we speak and act. (These questions are also great to ask in professional relationships, but that's for another article.) Solve Business Problems Intentionally A place you can see this lack of forethought in the business world is the rapid-fire manner in which entrepreneurs and business owners solve problems. For those … [Read more...]
Willpower by Roy F. Baumeister & John Tierney
Big Thought Willpower has a physical component that can be managed and even enhanced. By creating awareness in your decision-making process and by learning how to effectively use your willpower, you can make better long-term decisions. Questions, Comments, Observations, and Quotes "Self-control is a vital strength and key to success in life." (13) And that's not a normative statement, it's one based on the research. We all know that some decisions have better outcomes than others - so the more we're able to choose the paths that lead to those outcomes the better off we'll be. It's fascinating that we have a sort of "self-control … [Read more...]