Networking can be tough when you're shy. Building new business relationships can be hard when just the idea of attending a professional event to network fills you with dread. You're not alone - it's common for people to spend most of their time at events with those that they already know precisely because they are nervous about making new friends. But this prevents you from taking advantage of the full benefits of networking. You want to consistently add new people to your network - because they have new information, new ideas, new contacts, etc. You don't have to be the life of the party and meet everyone to be successful, but you … [Read more...]
Why You Need to Follow Sales Scripts if You Want to Build Trust
Over the years I've heard thousands of sales professionals say, "I don't like using sales scripts. It sounds so robotic and stiff and it just doesn't work." Actually, let me restate that: Over the years, I've heard thousands of unsuccessful sales professionals say that. Successful sales professionals understand that having a script - a set process that they follow when interacting with customers - is key to success. There's a reason why following scripts can help: Used correctly, they help build trust. Prospects Respond to Confidence You've probably heard the advice, "It's not just what you say but how you say it." That connects … [Read more...]
3 Things Everyone Likes to Talk About
You want a useful professional network? Then you need people in it. You need more people in your network than there are now? Then you should meet new people...and get them to want to spend time with you. And that’s probably where I lost you… One of the biggest challenges in building a strong professional network is that we have to bring new people into it. And let’s face it, meeting new people can be tough. It takes a lot of energy to start and develop a conversation with a complete stranger. It’s especially daunting when you feel that you have to carry the bulk of the weight and be conversationally awesome. Luckily, you … [Read more...]