I came up in a sales world that exalted individual effort. You lived and died based on your personal work and initiative. The more you could hustle and get in front of people, the better. But that sales world is evolving quickly. Prospects have access to more information than ever before because of technology. The buyer's journey is becoming more complex. It can be harder to get our prospects' attention when they are being bombarded by social media posts, emails, and every other form of digital communication. Adapting to this new world of selling requires a different approach, and it's one that I learned from the marketing world. … [Read more...]
3 Easy Questions That Get Marketing and Sales On the Same Page
How do you create sales and marketing alignment? How do you get the sales team and marketing team to actually work together? There’s a lot of talk about the increasing need to align sales and marketing functions within organizations. More and more, customers are expecting a seamless experience. And it’s getting harder and harder to split the different parts of the customer life cycle between the sales team over there, and the marketing team over here. Instead of keeping the two separate and distinct, it’s clear that the new buyer’s journey requires them to merge. And at the same time, both marketing and sales professionals are … [Read more...]
Are You a Salesperson Who Hates Writing? Here’s How to Still Create Powerful Content
We live in an information-soaked world right now. It used to be that articles were only found in magazines and newspapers, but now anyone (and any company) can start a blog and start writing. "Content marketing" has become a key tool for companies trying to capture shares on social media and better Google rankings through their articles. And professionals trying to share their personal brands have also jumped on the bandwagon. But what about content marketing for people who aren't writers or marketers? In talking with many salespeople and entrepreneurs, I hear a lot of push back against creating content. They say that it takes too … [Read more...]