Somehow I've created a career where I spend a lot of time giving advice and feedback. Whether it's coaching, consulting, writing, speaking, or training, a big part of what people pay me for is guidance. Which means that the last year has been quite a different experience for me as I've been on the other side of the advice pipeline. Because when you have a new baby, you get a lot of advice. From everybody. All Advice Isn't Equal Whether they are your best friend or the person in front of you in the grocery store line, you'll get stories and suggestions about what worked and didn't work for them in the parenting … [Read more...]
Take Advice With Many Grains of Salt
Be a Good Guy
The 8 Things You Must Know or Your Life Will Totally Suck
If you don’t understand sarcasm, then please, for your own mental and emotional safety, don’t read any farther: Always remember: You are the victim. Everyone who tells you that their life is tough is full of crap because they don't understand how really tough your life is. They’ve obviously never been in your shoes for a day. If you feel that the universe is conspiring against you, it's because it is. You can’t go 20 minutes without someone deliberately making your life harder than it has to be. Throughout your life, you’ve always been the wrong height, weight, gender, ethnicity, and even when it seemed like you’ve had all of the … [Read more...]
If I Were 22 I Wouldn’t Try to Change the World
Me giving advice to a 22-year-old is a lesson in irony; because I know that the 22-year-old me wasn't good at listening to other people's advice. I'd like to think that I've gotten a little better over the years, but I'm a work in progress. Feel free to take or leave what I have to say. So I guess that's my first piece of advice: decide on your own who and what to listen to. But after that, I guess my second thought would be: Don't try to change the world - Try to change yourself The earth has been here for over 4 billion years and countless humans have walked its surface. It takes a lot of hubris to think that it needs you to save … [Read more...]