When I talk to professionals about social media, I often get a litany of complaints (especially from veterans in the industry): "It's a waste of time!" "All I see is kids on their cell phones all the time - I don't have room in my schedule for that!" "The next generation is going to have a hard time talking to people because they're so used to just texting everything or Facebooking their life!" Even though each of these has some measure of truth, I also hear a little bit of jealousy as well. Those born after 1980 are considered digital natives because they've grown up with technology integrated into their lives. It's easy for them … [Read more...]
Following this Old-School Rule Will Make You Better at Social Selling
Have you been completely overwhelmed by social media yet? It seems like there's a new platform popping up every day. The established sites are constantly adding features. And the experts keep telling you a new way that you are supposed to be using it. There are always new widgets, new buttons, and new functions. It would be tempting (and easier) to write off social media as a fad...if it wasn't an immensely powerful business tool. Sure, you might not need every website de jour. But underneath the sometimes confusing veneer are new and exciting ways for you to connect with your clients, colleagues, and prospects. The Foundation of … [Read more...]