Do you remember the last time you saw a social media post about an opposing political viewpoint? Your face probably got a little red. You immediately thought of a response that included a few choice four-letter words. Maybe it was a meme lampooning your candidate or the link to the ultra-extreme political blog from your sworn enemies. Well, it's going to happen more and more as we go through this election year. I'm going to try to convince you to break the cycle and not post about politics on social media. This is especially true when you are on platforms where you connect with people from the professional parts of your life. That … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Network When You’re Shy
Networking can be tough when you're shy. Building new business relationships can be hard when just the idea of attending a professional event to network fills you with dread. You're not alone - it's common for people to spend most of their time at events with those that they already know precisely because they are nervous about making new friends. But this prevents you from taking advantage of the full benefits of networking. You want to consistently add new people to your network - because they have new information, new ideas, new contacts, etc. You don't have to be the life of the party and meet everyone to be successful, but you … [Read more...]