When you are playing in a band, there's something called a train wreck. It's when everyone gets so off beat/tempo/key that you have to stop. The song is off the tracks and there's no way to recover it. You have to stop and start over. It's never fun. I still have a memory of a train wreck at the Beat Kitchen in Chicago, and that was almost 20 years ago. It's a very public screw-up. I mean, you're literally on a stage for everybody to see. It's not a private failure that we can beat ourselves up about and move on. It's a big deal. Or so we think. Olin Miller was a comedian who was quoted in 1937, “You probably wouldn’t worry … [Read more...]
Maybe the Whole World Just Needs a Big Meal?
The 8 Things You Must Know or Your Life Will Totally Suck
If you don’t understand sarcasm, then please, for your own mental and emotional safety, don’t read any farther: Always remember: You are the victim. Everyone who tells you that their life is tough is full of crap because they don't understand how really tough your life is. They’ve obviously never been in your shoes for a day. If you feel that the universe is conspiring against you, it's because it is. You can’t go 20 minutes without someone deliberately making your life harder than it has to be. Throughout your life, you’ve always been the wrong height, weight, gender, ethnicity, and even when it seemed like you’ve had all of the … [Read more...]