When working with professionals on their online brand, one of the common questions that I hear is, "Should I pay to upgrade to the premium LinkedIn account?" It's a great question and one that doesn't necessarily have a clear cut answer. I don't work for LinkedIn so I don't have a vested interest in someone anteing up for the paid accounts. On the other hand, I do help people use LinkedIn and social media to improve their businesses and careers so of course I think it makes sense to engage with the platform as much as possible. In the end, my answer is usually some variation of, "Yes...eventually." Don't Upgrade to Premium Too … [Read more...]
Playing Both Sides of the Ball On Social Media
What does "using" social media mean to you? When I work with professionals on their social media strategies, the most common questions I get tend to be around what people are actually supposed to do with all of the new platforms that have popped up (seemingly overnight). They say things like, "OK, fine, I gave up and got a LinkedIn profile - now do I actually do with it?" Or, "I've had a Twitter account for six months, but I've never tweeted - should I?" Personal Social Media Strategy These are important questions; but they are also hard questions to answer because everyone will and should approach social media in a way that supports … [Read more...]
In Social Media, Attitude is Everything
When someone brings up social media, do you cringe or do you get excited? You don't have to tell me what you thought, but your answer to that question is the strongest indicator of your success in using social media to drive your career. In training thousands of professionals on how to effectively use sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to accomplish their goals, I've found one certainty: Attitude is everything Your Social Media Approach Matters How someone approaches social media is the biggest determinant on how effectively they integrate it into their business life Why? Because social media isn't about technology or about … [Read more...]