If you are under 25, what can you do to super-charge your network? Everybody offers networking as a critical component of success early in your career, but what does it actually mean? Plant Seeds In your Network Now One of the biggest advantages you have as a professional at the beginning of your career is time. The contacts you meet know are going to be in your network for your entire career in one way or another. I see so many young professionals squander their opportunities to make new connections. You should be actively investing your time in activities that bring new people into your sphere of influence. Invest 15% of your time … [Read more...]
Reclaiming Conversation – Sherry Turkle
Is the explosion of digital technology a good thing for us as individuals and as societies? The knee jerk reaction has been to say, "Of course!" But there's a real cost, and Sherry shares what we are losing and what we aren't even aware we're losing. Until we wrap our heads around how to use technology instead of letting it use us, we're going to struggle with finding healthy ways to incorporate it into our lives. This is especially true for a generation of digital natives that has always known technology and is maturing into a key part of our society and workforce. Big Thought Even though there's a plethora of new technological tools … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Incorporate LinkedIn into Your Offline Networking
When I talk to professionals about social media, I often get a litany of complaints (especially from veterans in the industry): "It's a waste of time!" "All I see is kids on their cell phones all the time - I don't have room in my schedule for that!" "The next generation is going to have a hard time talking to people because they're so used to just texting everything or Facebooking their life!" Even though each of these has some measure of truth, I also hear a little bit of jealousy as well. Those born after 1980 are considered digital natives because they've grown up with technology integrated into their lives. It's easy for them … [Read more...]