This article was originally published a few years ago at the RockStar Success Library. It's a great foundation from one of the icons in the biz. Big Thought Effectiveness in public speaking is a learned skill; and your ability to speak in front of others is a key ingredient in professional success. Questions, Ideas, Implications “Fully 90 percent of your success as a speaker will be determined by how well you plan your speech.” (pg 18). I couldn’t agree more. When people ask me how to improve their public speaking, they are usually thinking about their deficiencies in delivery. However, most messages falter because of poor planning … [Read more...]
When It’s Not About the Nail…and When it Is
Breaking news! Women and men tend to have different communication styles! Yeah, I know, it's not new news at all. But it's funny, because we so often persist in talking to each other like we all have the same style. In fact, each of us goes around thinking that everyone has the same style, and wants the same things from a conversation, that we do. The gender difference is one of the more obvious, but it can vary based on a host of other factors, including where someone is from, their age, their cultural background, and, duh, or their personality. I know I tend to be pretty analytical and solution … [Read more...]