If you climbed a mountain to ask an ancient Zen master about the right approach to Facebook, what would he say? I don't think that David would make a claim to mastery, but Mindful Tech is the closest thing I've seen for a Zen response to technology. It's both fascinating and filled with common sense. Instead of directives on how to respond to email and social media requests, he examines how we relate to it on a daily basis. It was interesting to read this on the heels of Sherry Turkle's Reclaiming Conversation. In many ways, I think he picks up where she leaves off. There weren't many prescriptions for how to deal with the … [Read more...]
Beginner’s Mind
I wanted a challenge, so I'm going to mash-up my first band, Zen Buddhism, and business re-branding. Here I go! I recently found a trove of promotional material from my early music days. One of the pieces was a flier for the first show of my first band, The Armadillo Society. We had no idea what we were doing and the flier was really just a bunch of written out information that we photocopied at the library. I had a lot to learn about music and marketing, but it was a start. In Zen, there's an idea called "Beginner's Mind". It's the concept of approaching each moment as a beginner, without the baggage that we bring from our past or … [Read more...]