“It’s rare that I feel sincere enthusiasm for networking, but the way in which David frames this essential activity gives me a spark of hope. Anyone who feels an aversion to traditional networking will find encouragement alongside actionable, practical advice. This book’s step-by-step, strengths-based approach makes it seem like networking can be – dare I say it – fun!”
–Beth L. Buelow, author, The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms
Running your own business doesn’t mean that you have to find success alone. There is a huge network waiting to help you…as long as you know how to tap into it.
In the 21st century, networking is a combination of sales, marketing, relationship-building, and career management. Who you know is as important as what you know. It’s the difference between those who get by and those who are getting ahead.
This book is for anyone who realizes that their professional success hinges on the network they create.
Are you looking for more clients, more referral partners, or just more colleagues to bounce ideas off of? No matter what your specific goals are, your ability to connect with others is the key to finding the resources you need to achieve success.
Learn how to:
- Define and communicate your business niche clearly
- Find referral partners and approach potential clients comfortably
- Navigate online and offline relationships easily and effectively
- And more…