“The approach that David takes is very practical and accessible for everyone. If you are looking for actionable ideas that will help you take your career to the next level, this is the book for you. You’ll be able apply these tools right away and start seeing results – you’ll see your professional relationships in an entirely new light!”
–Chirag Gupta, founder of NoD Coworking
“Networking has played a crucial role in getting and succeeding at every job I’ve had since college. Once I grasped the power of a strong network, my possibilities seemed endless. David knows his stuff, and he lays out the path to a better network simply and authentically.
–Ben Prawer, co-director of Ty’s List
Are you at the beginning of your professional journey and looking to blaze your own trail? Do you want the world take notice?
No matter your career goals, who you know is as important as what you know. In the 21st century, networking is a combination of sales, marketing, relationship-building, and career management. It’s the difference between those who get by and those who are getting ahead!
Whether you consider yourself a Millennial, Gen Y, or just a young professional who wants to get ahead, this book will help build your skills and confidence. The need for authentic business relationships is as important as ever, and the changing landscape of technology and connectivity holds pitfalls and new promise.
Your ability to connect with others is the key to finding the resources you need to achieve your goals. Let’s get you set to make the most of your career!
Learn how to:
• Create a realistic and useful networking plan
• Build relationships with peers and veteran professionals
• Find the right technology balance in your communications
• And more…