If you are reading this post on the morning it comes out, it’s a national holiday in the US: my birthday (well, it’s Labor Day too, I guess). It’s a big birthday because I’m turning 4o today! To add even more fun for the month, in just a few days I’ll be getting married to an amazing woman.
That’s a lot of life changes in less than two weeks. Combine that with my new focus on Hyper-Connected Selling, and it’s been an interesting summer! And it’s been an exciting summer. And at times… a frustrating and challenging summer.
I’m always amused by the personal development types who throw out quotes and sayings about how awesome change is without acknowledging the flipside: Change is unsettling. There is a reason that people will stick to the tried and true instead of venturing out. (Heck, I waited until I was 40 to get married.)
When we fail to acknowledge the challenging aspects of change, we lose sight of where the growth actually comes from. Change doesn’t inherently lead to maturation. It’s not just about putting ourselves in new situations. Rather it’s working to develop our capacity to blossom in those new situations that creates the true value.
It’s like lifting weights: as you break down your muscle fibers lifting increasingly heavy kettlebells, you can actually lift heaver kettlebells in the future. But in this case, we aren’t pushing ourselves against physical weight. Instead, we mature by working against against our own fears and baggage.
I’m excited for the new paths that are at my doorstep. Being 40 and married is exciting, but just as exciting is the person I have become (and am becoming) in the process. You don’t have to wait for massive life changes to grow. Whatever the next change is on your path, be it big or small, grab it and enjoy the journey for all of its ups and downs. Embrace the effort – that’s where the true value comes from.
Have a RockStar Week!